A few days ago we lost the trail while hiking up a mountain. Originally I was frustrated that we weren't going to make good time up the mountain side. When it became evident that the climb would take all day instead of just 2 hours, my priorities completely changed. All that really mattered was that I had some water. It didn't matter how long it took to climb or where I would potentially have to sleep. Those issues would work themselves out. I just needed to find water.
We had planned on hiking 150 miles in 7 days, and for this reason we each carried about 7 days worth of food. When the trail became nearly impassible, causing us to greatly slow our pace despite many long hours on the trail, food became the only concern. I did not care about anything else. We have since revised our route, allowing us to pass through another town to resupply (Metaline Falls). I just needed food.
The other night it was getting dark, and we were still out on the trail. I was exhausted and needed to rest. I was more than happy to lay in a swampy field. It didn't matter that I got wet and dirty. What really mattered was rest.
I love spending time in the wilderness, and I love exploring by myself. Despite this desire for solitude, I realize that the best part of all my travels has been the people that I have encountered. The people have a bigger impact on my life than any beautiful vista. Companionship is a requirement.
It's too easy to worry about things that really don't matter. When it comes down to it and your life is on the line, all you really need is food, drink, a place to rest, and some friends.
Besides the clothes that I am wearing, I have been caring a sleeping bag, water filter, water bladder, some food, lighter, stove, tooth paste, a rain fly, some extra socks, and compass. In the last 18 days of hiking, I have not thought of a single other thing that I would need. Instead, I've been trying to think about what I can jettison on the trail...I don't need all this stuff to be happy.

Gun club or golf clubs?

Chili burger in Metaline.
Austin, you have great skills as a descriptive writer! Please keep this going! Rachel's mom, Jenifer